Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge has come under a lot of fire recently for burning the bodies of aborted babies in the furnace used for incinerating trash.
What I found interesting was that The Cambridge Evening News reported outrage among women who had recently had abortions at the hospital. ‘I am furious and very hurt,’ one woman was reported as saying. ‘Imagine my horror when I discovered that my baby was incinerated in the same furnace as the hospital rubbish.’
Think about those words for a minute...
If a foetuses’ value is determined solely by the mother’s ‘choice’, then what right does the mother have to complain if her baby is treated as rubbish after it has been killed? After all, once the baby is dead, the linkage to the value-determining fiat of the mother has surely been severed.
The public outcry against Addenbrooke’s Hospital’s policy suggests that our society still does consider a foetus to be a human being, deserving the same dignity after death that we would afford any person. It suggests that implicitly we think that there is a value that persons have independent of the mother's choice and it is this value which causes us to instinctively want human persons to be treated with dignity even after they are dead.
Those who are shocked at what is going on at Cambridge there should reflect that the hospital’s appalling policy is simply the consistent outworking of the pro-abortion viewpoint.
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Presumably the fact this hasn't happened earlier is simply a “misfiring” (one of the “precious, blessed mistakes”…) on the part of the medial staff. Boy am I glad for all the misfirings that still happen throughout society!!!
ReplyDeleteThe fact the above lady quoted referred to her baby is very revealing. It doesn’t seem to turn that around and hold that it is because of her that her baby is being burnt on a rubbish heap, i.e. that she killed her baby. Put that way it sounds quite different.
God uses many ways to remove the enemies of the gospel and killing each other off is one effective way. Praise be to the wisdom and sovereignty of our Creator in the midst of such gross wickedness!