
Friday, March 21, 2008

Audio Joys

This weekend I was not very well. Not only was I unwell, however, I was reduced to bed. Not only was I reduced to bed, but I couldn’t even read in bed. So instead I listened to various mp3s which I would now like to recommend.

An Evangelical Tribute to Whiskey

I was a devoted follower of St. Anne’s Public House even before I moved to Idaho. Now that I attend a church that was started by the church that also started St. Anne’s, their draughts taste all the nicer.

The Pub's latest two-part series, “An Evangelical Tribute to Whiskey” and "Strange Encounters" is no exception. Listen to the entire issue for free HERE. If you can make it through the weird drinking songs, it is well worth it. My favourite parts were the interviews, especially the Bruce Ridley interview on all that goes into a cup of Whiskey. I also liked the Doddridge Quote which our pastor, Stuart Bryan, read:

Live while you live, the epicure would say,
And seize the pleasures of the present day;
Live while you live, the sacred preacher cries,
And give to God each moment as it flies.
Lord, in my views, let both united be:
I live in pleasure when I live to thee.

Great Sermon on Loving Little Ones

Doug Wilson has an excellent 4-part sermon series on loving little ones which you can download by going to his blog and clicking ‘sermons.’ You’ll need to hurry because they will soon be pushed off in order to make room for new sermons. If you don’t get to it in time, you can always order a copy from Canon Press.

Esther and I have always found Doug’s parenting incredibly material, and these talks were no exception. I thought the first sermon was the best, in which he covered the necessary context of grace and kindness in the Christian home.

Come to Our Spring Conference

I can’t let this opportunity pass without pumping the Spring Conference our church is putting on. Doug and Matt Whitling will be coming up to speak about parenting issues. So if you like what you hear in the sermon I have just recommended, why not come along to Coeur d’Alene and attend our very affordable conference.

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