
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

From Rousseau to the swine flu vaccine

Click HERE to read my warnings about the swine flu vaccine. The article, titled 'From Rousseau to the swine flu vaccine', considers the danger that the vaccine poses and how it might actually lead to the sterilization of a large percentage of the next generation.
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1 comment:

  1. Wow! A lot of research went into that article. Why don't you move to Peru while you still have the chance?

    I was horrified a month ago to read the lists of the possible side effects, ending in death (Guillian barre syndrome) which they actually list on the swine-flu vaccine box, which is caused from the squalene, mercury and animal cells. A published list of the side effects is available here.

    A few days ago I recieved an email from a man encouraging Americans to move to Ecuador where there is still time. He showed a video, avaialble here,

    where a man says police have described to him RFID tag bracelet that will be given to the people who receive the vaccine while the refusniks will be hauled off to the 800 fema camps already up and running

    Information in Peru isn't much better, as people want to line up to receive free vaccines.

    And then you have this Isreali microbiologist who was violently arrested in California after he called a radio show and said he had special information that the Ukraine was making duplicants of the great 1918 flu pandemic to turn loose. This was two months ago before Ukraine actually had a very bad virus that´s been in the news all this week. Dr. Sharon Tennpenny on her website has a good description of how these vaccines are actually made. It is a witches brew of thousands of eggs (pray you don't have an egg allergy), monkey cells, squalene and mercury, God knows what else. I have also recently watched videos on youtube by a vaccine microbiologist working for MERK who admited to bringing aids into the United States. The same people who received a new class of HEPB vaccine also were the same people to first be diagnosed with HIV. Coincidence?
