
Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Christmas season

The beginning and end of Christmas tends to be fuzzy for most people. It begins whenever you want it to - even though everyone complains that it starts earlier every year - and ends whenever you get around to taking down the tree and lights.

Not so in our family. Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before December 25 and is the time when we prepare for Christmas. This is a time to anticipate the coming of Jesus at Christmas, singing songs like "Oh come, oh come Emmanuel." Advent can also include putting up the Christmas decorations, although we choose to leave that for a week before Christmas day.

December 25 is the beginning, not the end, of the Christmas season. The season lasts all the way until Epiphany on January 6.

For more about why we structure things like this - which is the historic Christian way - and why it is important, see my article HERE.

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