
Friday, December 18, 2009

Guilty for existing?

Do you feel guilty for existing? If you do, click HERE.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of what Obamas science adviser wrote in his book Eco Science, that forced abortions and forced sterilizations could be justified under the constitution if population growth continued. Back then he was concerned about a global ice age.

    In a recent front page article in The Guardian, which was carried by 52 newspapers around the world, they said that by agreeing to something---anything---about globlal warming, the nations of the world could achieve collective salvation. The only results of the Copenhagen conference, however, were to give loans to third world countries through the world bank and IMF. According to Economic Hit Man John Perkins, this strategy of giving loans to the third world is to purposely keep them in debt and keep them from developing in an independent way.

    If global warming is such a problem, why don´t these same people invest in cars that run on batteries. They could also stop literally drilling holes in the ionosephere with their weather manipulation machines up in Alaska.
