
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Encouragement From Luther

The following comments from Martin Luther may be of encouragement to those who are struggling with or at work. Commenting on the 55th Psalm, Luther said

“Follow this advice. Let not your burden rest upon yourselves; for you cannot bear it, and must finally perish beneath its weight. But, confident and full of joy, cast it from you and throw it on God, and say: Heavenly Father, Thou art my Lord and God, who didst create me when I was nothing; moreover hast redeemed me through Thy Son. Now, Thou hast committed to me and laid upon me, this office or work, and things do not go as well as I would like. There is so much to oppress and worry, that I can find neither counsel nor help. Therefore I commend everything to Thee. Do Thou supply counsel and help, and be Thou, Thyself, everything in these things.”

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