After contemplating the immense mysteries of human life and sacrificial love in comparison to a woman's "right to fertility control," a writer for the Times of London concludes that attempts by pro-aborts to dismiss the life of an unborn child are a "convenient lie" hiding the fact that, "Yes, abortion is killing.”
“But,” she argues, “it's the lesser evil." Women 'must be prepared to kill' unborn children to protect their autonomy.
She concludes that, "As ever, when an issue we thought was black and white becomes more nuanced, the answer lies in choosing the lesser evil” – in this case choosing "the expectation of a life unburdened by misogyny," which she suggests can only be achieved through abortion.
Building on this reasoning, she says, "The nearly 200,000 aborted babies in the UK each year are the lesser evil, no matter how you define life, or death, for that matter. If you are willing to die for a cause, you must be prepared to kill for it, too."
Did you hear that: "If you are willing to die for a cause, you must be prepared to kill for it, too." That may be true in war, my friends, but we're talking about innocent babies here.
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She's one sick female dog.