
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Domenic Johansson Update

In an article I posted last week, titled 'Swedish Social Services Snatch Christian Homeschooler and Jail Father', I shared about the tragic case of a Swedish homeschooler who was snatched from his parents by social services even though the parents had not broken any laws. Since then I have written an update on the situation with the father in prison for the December edition of the Christian Voice magazine. (To join Christian Voice and receive their monthly magazine, click here). I have been given permission to make my article on Domenic available, and it can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

Those interested in the case should also watch and share the following short video which the Alliance Defense Fund produced on Monday.

If you want to know what you can do to help this family, see the section "Can Anything Be Done to Help?" in my earlier post.

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