
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Ravi Zacharias and the "Indispensable Balance"

I recently posted about Charles Finney and the unbiblical disjunction he posited between the head and the heart. In that post I pointed out that any system which elevates one's own feelings to an authoritative status in the name of the "heart", and then short-circuits rational critique by appealing to the spurious disjunction of between the head and the heart, is a charter for the worst type of spiritual abuse. I argued instead that the head and the heart, while being distinguishable, should not be divisible since scripture tells us that in Christ we are given both a new mind as well as a new heart. Both are to be sanctified under Christ and integrated within redeemed man.
My wife Esther recently drew my attention to some fascinating comments that Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias made in an interview. Ravi talks about the "indispensable balance" between the head and the heart that is so necessary within the Christian faith. I highly recommend these two short interviews which are available on Youtube. His comments about the necessary integration of head and the heart are in the first of the two interviews.

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