
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Art as an affirmation of creation's goodness

In an article I published at the Charles Colson Center, I mentioned that throughout human history there have been various traditions which have denied that anything spiritual, or even anything of significant value, can be transmitted through the elements of physical matter. As an example of this, I pointed to the Gnostics of the 3rd century who taught that while the world of spirit is good, the world of matter is evil. 
In contrast to the Gnostics, the early Christians were committed to affirming the goodness of the created order. The God who redeems the world is also the God who proclaimed in Genesis 1:31 that this world is “very good.” In the article for Charles Colson I suggest that art is an important way that Christians can affirm the goodness of creation over and against the lie of the Gnostics. Click on the following link to read the article:


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