
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Redemption OF the world, not FROM the world

In his Stone Lectures, Abraham Kuyper has the following wonderful quotation:
“Henceforth the curse should no longer rest upon the world itself, but upon that which is sinful in it, and instead of monastic flight from the world the duty is now emphasized of serving God in the world, in every position in life.

But of course, whenever two elements appear, as in this case the sinner and the saint, the temporal and the eternal, the terrestrial and the heavenly life, there is always danger of losing sight of their interconnection and of falsifying both by error or one-sidedness. Christendom, it must be confessed, did not escape this error. A dualistic conception of regeneration was the cause of the rupture between the life of nature and the life of grace. It has, on account of its exclusive love of things eternal, been backward in the fulfilment of its temporal duties. It has neglected the care of the body, because it cared too exclusively for the soul....This dualism, however, is by no means countenanced by the Holy Scriptures. ...the work of redemption is not limited to the salvation of individual sinners, but extends itself to the redemption of the world, and to the organic reunion of all things in heaven and on earth under Christ as their original head.” 
I have put together a week's worth of scripture readings themed around Kuyper's wonderful quotation. To get the scripture readings, click on the following link:


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