Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bible Study about Mary

As I'm thinking more about the role of Mary in our Christmas celebrations, I've put together a Bible study on the topic of Mary for the Colson Center.

The study consists of a week's worth of Bible readings on the topic of Mary's faith, some quotations from the church fathers, and some suggestions about what this means for us today as we celebrate Christmas (because, remember, Christmas officially lasts all the way until Epiphany). To read my Bible study, click on the following link:

The Faith of Mary

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mary and Eve

Justin Martyr spoke about Mary as a type of Eve. Similarly, the church father Tertullian noted that “what had been laid waste in ruin by this sex [in Eve] was by the same sex reestablished in salvation. Eve had believed the serpent; Mary believed Gabriel. That which the one destroyed by believing, the other, by believing, set straight.” Through her obedience Mary functions as a second Eve, even as Christ functioned as a second Adam.

Marcelo P. Souza recently reflected on the similarities between Eve and Mary, noting “As Eve received the word of the fallen angel, and through the fruit and the tree brought death to the world, so the Second Eve, Mother of the Second Adam, also received the word of the angel – this time the words of life from the angel of God – and through the fruit of her womb, brought life to the world. As Eve stood by the tree of life and brought death, the Second Eve stood by the tree of death which brought life.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

'Mary' Christmas

We’re doing something different in our house this Christmas.

We still put up our Christmas tree two weeks before Christmas day, our children will still be hanging up their stockings at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve, and my wife will still be baking all the special recipes she brought over from England when we immigrated. And we’ll still be watching ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’

But this year we will be adding another tradition. We will be making a concerted effort not only to remember and honor the Christ-child born in Bethlehem, but to remember and honor His holy mother. We will be finding as many ways as possible to make this not simply a merry Christmas, but a Mary Christmas.
If you are one of my evangelical readers, please don’t panic. I’m not about to turn Roman Catholic. Nor am I about to start worshiping Mary. But what Esther and I will be doing is repenting for failing to show proper adoration to Mary for most of our adult life.

But why? Why has this suddenly become important to me?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Anniversary of Joseph Smith’s Birth

On this day 167 years ago, Joseph Smith was born. One of the greatest con-artists of all time, his influence is still felt by the many Brits, and even more Americans, who continue to be duped by his prophetic claims.

On the Messiah's Kingdom

“…throughout the Old Testament, first-century Jews looked forward to a climactic event that would establish the God of Israel as the sovereign God of the entire world. While many have supposed Christ’s coming to be something which changes people’s hearts but makes no difference to the public order, this was not the hope of the Jews. Had they expected that kind of a kingdom, Herod may not have lifted an eyebrow when the news reached him that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem. As it was, however, Herod knew what Zacharias knew and had prayed about— that when the Messiah came, the game would be up for tyrants like himself, and a new order of justice and peace would be introduced. (Lk. 1:67–79).” Saints and Scoundrels, page 35


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to REALLY eliminate the carbon footprint!

On December 10, 2009, seventy-three members of the US House of Representatives sent a letter to the White House urging President Obama to add one billion dollars in funding for international family planning to his 2011 budget. 
Advocates of family planning are hardly a new phenomenon. What was noteworthy about this letter, however, was that it cited “climate change” as a reason to advocate lower birth rates. “Family planning,” it said, “should be part of larger strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Slower population growth will make reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions easier to achieve.” 
The 73 Congressmen who signed that letter were not alone in linking birthrates with global temperatures.

Keep reading...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Signs in the Stars

by Terrell Clemmons, guest blogger

"Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."

Thus was the question posed by the Magi upon arrival in Jerusalem, presumably to Herod, the king in situ at the time.

What had they seen? Why did they come to Jerusalem? It makes sense that, if they were looking for the King of the Jews, they would go to Jerusalem. But how did they know that a king had been born? A King who would be "King of the Jews?" What did they see?

Fred Larson got interested in that question after setting up Christmas decorations on the lawn with his daughter, Marian. She'd wanted three wise men in the yard and then said, "Daddy, make a star!" What's a Dad to do? He made a star.  

But that got him thinking. Well …what was the star? When he came across a science article by a Ph.D. astronomer who took the position that the Bethlehem star had been a real astronomical event, he set out to investigate this puzzle.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Nominalism and Food

Those who have been following my ongoing series of articles on nominalism have been able to read how the debates between realists and nominalists have consequences for how we view God's goodness, how we understand God's relationship to the world and even what we think about sex. The latest article in the series looks at some of the consequences that the nominalist worldview has on how we approach food. To read my reflections, click on the following link:

Food and Teology (Nominalism 4)

Nudist Colonies Seek to Demystify the Body

“Many churches tell the congregation, ‘Come as you are’” we read in a News Report from last year. “For a chapel in Ivor, VA, that’s especially true. People come without even bothering to get dressed. It’s a church at a nudist colony. Members say it’s nice to worship in a place where there is total freedom and where everyone is equal.” (See also the ABC news report ‘Church welcomes nude parishioners’)

Reading about that got me thinking about nudist colonies in general. Salvo Magazine should someday do a fake add for a nudist camp that is “guaranteed to desexualize the human body” after only two weeks. Because that is exactly what public nudity does, and when we look into it we find a very good pragmatic argument for being modest.

In 2003 the New York Times ran an article about one of the many youth nudist camps that are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. A 15-year old camper was quoted as saying, “It makes me a bit freaked out that people would think of nudity as a sexual thing.”

These words are significant since frequent exposure to nudity does tend to trivialize the human body, emptying it of its implicit eroticism and making public nakedness seem merely common and non-sexual.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Phillips vs Agaybi

My debate with atheist David
Agaybi is now online
In Spring 2011 I had a friendly debate with atheist David Agaybi. We debated many issues from the existence of God to the identity of the historical Jesus. It was a rewarding dialogue and stayed friendly to the last.

Our debate is available online at the Alfred the Great Society and can be accessed at the following link:

Debate: Phillips vs Agaybi

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Executive Order 13603

On 16 march, 2012, President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13603, which makes provisions for establishing martial law in America during times of peace. Brandon Turbeville explains how this will allow “the President and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly induct/draft American citizens into the military” and possible forced labor. (Click here to listen to a revealing radio show about the order, and visit William Anderson’s article Executive Orders and the Decline of Law‘ for a good background about executive orders in general.)

To read more about Obama's totalitarian measures, click on the following link:

A Stronger President:
What Obama’s Re-Election Tells us About America (Part 5)

Johansson Family Deprived of Justice

Two years ago I posted an article about the sad case of Domenic Johansson, a home-schooled Christian boy in Sweden who was snatched from his parents by social workers in route to India. I have now written an update on this case for Christian Voice, which can be read by clicking on the following link:

Johansson Family Deprived of Justice on Human Rights Day

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Totalitarian Presidency

Thankfully, the 2012 election did not have the Messianic mood of the 2008 election. Obama’s dreams of utopia never materialized and no one made the same mistake of confusing Obama with God. The American people seem to have realized that, whatever his pretensions, Obama is only a man.

But while the nation of America seems to have got over wanting Obama to be God, they have not given up the wish for the President to have God-like powers. Indeed, Obama’s re-election suggests that America wanted a stronger and more powerful president, one that is almost omnipotent.

Historically, the Executive Branch has only played a limited role, and the United States Constitution even prohibits the President from introducing legislation. This was intentional, since the legal structure of the United States was set up so that most power resided in the states and in their elected legislatures.

Throughout the twentieth-century, however, American Presidents have progressively assumed unprecedented powers. Yet nothing compares with the way Obama has reinvented the Executive office.

Even before taking power in 2008, it was clear that Obama believed the president would possess almost super-human powers. He made some extraordinary promises about what he would accomplish, even claiming that he would cut the federal deficit in half. Such promises could only have been made by someone with an insufficient grasp of how bad America’s economic recession really was, or someone with an over-inflated sense of how much power the President actually wields. Indeed, a foreigner listening to Obama’s extraordinary promises could be forgiven for thinking that the executive branch was the sole organ of government and capable of automatically implementing all the Presidents wishes.

While the United States President may not wield as much power as Obama might wish, he has done everything he can to increase that power. I have already given some examples in my earlier article ‘Totalitarian Creep’, but some more recent examples include
  • By expanding George Bush’s “war on terror” to mainland United States (not to mention expanding it abroad), President Obama has introduced war-time conditions into America. But the “war on terror” is ubiquitous and can never be won since it is against an abstract foe, which by definition can never satisfy the conditions for surrender. The intrusion of this abstract fight into America herself means that all citizens become potential enemies, and no longer can they depend on their historic rights for protection. This is to invest the Executive Branch with a power undreamed of by the architects of the American nation.
  • Obama’s proposed Cybersecurity executive order would re-route all Internet traffic through federal agencies, ostensibly to be on the look-out for terrorist groups. But let’s not forget that under Obama the Department of Homeland Security issued a report associating states’ rights activists and “those “dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion” with domestic terrorists. Is this really the type of administration we want spying on our internet activity?
  • The Obama administration put mechanisms in place earlier this year which have been designed to create an infrastructure inimical to any criticism of Islam.
  • Obama has attempted to bypass the supreme court, showing that he does not understand the division of powers that lies at the heart of the American system.
  • On 16 march, 2012, President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13603, which makes provisions for establishing martial law in America during times of peace. Brandon Turbeville explains how this will allow “the President and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly induct/draft American citizens into the military” and possible forced labor. (Click here to listen to a revealing radio show about the order, and visit William Anderson’s article Executive Orders and the Decline of Law‘ for a good background about executive orders in general.)

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Michael Coren on Gender Neutral Children

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Search for Purpose of Flawed

In his book Universe on a T Shirt, Dan Falk writes that “…certain aspects of [Aristotle’] approach to physics were – from a modern perspective – deeply flawed. Instead of looking for the causes of natural phenomena, Aristotle focused on the search for purpose – and, by doing so, took physics towards an intellectual dead end.” (p. 21.)

Now think about that for a moment. Essentially Falk is saying that there is absolutely no point looking for purpose and meaning in science.
I'm not sure even Darwin would agree with that.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Nominalism and Sex

Nominalism was a school of thought that came to receive widespread acceptance in Europe on the eve of the Protestant reformation. In opposition to the Aristotelian/Thomistic synthesis, which asserted that God’s will for the world corresponds to the nature of how reality actually is, William of Ockham and other medieval nominalists asserted that there is no independent rational order guiding God’s decisions.

Ockham was not even comfortable acknowledging that God’s own character formed the basis of His will-acts. Indeed, for God to be totally ultimate, Ockham taught, His decisions must be unconstrained by any criteria whatsoever. Ockham’s God was thus capricious, arbitrary and unpredictable.

This nominalist revolution had a profound effect on how late-medieval Europeans perceived the world. The universe ceased to be conceived in the way we find in Dante—a harmony of patterns, fitting together in a glorious dance-like ecosystem—since nominalism implied that there are no inherent patterns to the world apart from those which emerge accidentally through the aggregate of God’s pedestrian will-acts. God’s commands are not based on what is best for a thing according to its nature, because things no longer possessed natures after “Ockham’s razor” shaved off universals. Nominalists thus evacuated all teleology from the universe, leaving only the names and concepts imposed on it from outside. (Teleology refers to an account of reality in which final causes exist in nature, so that just as human actions are performed with a purpose or final end in view, so things within nature have a final cause which defines the good of each particular thing.)

There is a sense in which the influence of nominalism in contemporary culture is ubiquitous, since the nominalist revolution greatly contributed to the advent of secular modernity. At least that is what many scholars, including those associated with the “radical orthodoxy” movement, have convincingly argued. But my purpose in this series of articles is less ambitious than trying to offer an account of the origins of modern secularism. I simply wish to zero-in on a few practical areas where the thinking of contemporary Christians has been tinctured by the poison of nominalism.
Now what, you may be wondering, does any of this have to do with sex? To find out, click on the following link to read my Colson Center article on the subject:

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Salvo 23

Salvo 23 (Winter 2012) is about to be shipped out to our subscribers. You can read the Table of Contents (and even access some of the articles online) here.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


"God calls us to be faithful in the jobs He has given us, but He does not guarantee the consequences of doing right. Faithfulness, not success, is what truly matters in the Lord’s economy.” Saints and Scoundrels, page 194

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Review of The Shallows

Marshall McLuhan once observed that in assessing the effect of new technologies, we invariably get caught up in an analysis of the content coming through the medium. In doing so, we tend to neglect a more fundamental question: how is the form of this medium altering our reception of the content being conveyed through it?

Building on McLuhan’s oft-quoted dictum that “the medium is the message”, Nicholas Carr's book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains asks how the internet is changing the way our brains receive, process and store information.

Carr begins by taking the reader on a fascinating journey through some of the different ‘intellectual technologies’ (that is, technologies which effect how we communicate information) that have dominated human civilization, showing that “in the long run a medium’s content matters less than the medium itself in influencing how we think and act.” 

Of course, this is nothing new. We have probably all read about the way the clock changed the way people thought of time, or how the map altered our perception of space, and so forth. Where The Shallows breaks new ground, however, is in bringing the history of communication up to date with the latest discoveries in neuroscience.

Monday, December 03, 2012

The Unintended Reformation

Brad Gregory
Here is a fascinating video about a book I'm reading right now on the reformation. The book is called The Unintended Reformation and it is written by Brad Gregory.

Advent Articles

Last year I had the opportunity to publish some articles on the meaning of Advent and the importance of the church year. Now that the church has once again entered into the season of Advent, it seems fitting to direct my readers to these articles. Click on any of the following links:

Saturday, December 01, 2012

The Political Right and the Common Good

In my recent Christian Voice article 'The Christian Retreat', I pointed out that the concept of needing to serve the common good plays far too small a role within the political discourse of the conservative Christian community of America.

The Christian right in America is becoming increasingly individualistic, myopic and self-serving. In reaction to the incipient socialism of the political left, America’s conservative community is fast becoming characterized by individualistic opportunists who associate any appeal to the common good with utilitarianism or collectivism.

I first started realizing this was a problem when a conservative businessman said to me (in another election), “I’m not concerned with which candidate is going to best serve our nation, I’m going to vote for the candidate whose policies will benefit me.”


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Friday, November 30, 2012

Christian Funerals

“Often today two rival theological understandings battle it out for the soul of the funeral. To put it starkly, on the one hand, there is the gospel. The one who has died is an embodied person, a saint ‘traveling on’ to God, continuing the baptismal journey toward the hope of the resurrection of the body and God’s promise to make all things new. On the other hand, there is a more ‘spiritualized,’ perhaps even gnostic, understanding of death. The body is ‘just a shell,’ and the immortal soul of the deceased has now been released to become a spiritual presence among us, available through inspiration and active memory. In this view, the body, no longer of any use, is disposed of, but the ‘real person’ is now a disembodied spirit. It is therefore not the deceased who is traveling, but the mourners, on an intrapsychic journey from sorrow to stability.” Thomas Long, Accompany Them With Singing: The Christian Funeral

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Introducing The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions

Life is short. The window of opportunity to learn and laugh with our children closes all too soon. With such limited time, we must carefully select which resources receive our attention. 

The Wise Woman by George MacDonald is an elegant little story that speaks with stunning wisdom and authority on many significant subjects: selfishness, pride, and conceit, as well as sacrifice, courage, and compassion. 

Travel through its pages and you will encounter sleek wolves, slobbering hyenas, and an assortment of beasts that go bump in the night. Step into enchanted rooms with pictures that become doorways into the familiar or the fantastic. Witness weak-willed parents who blindly overindulge their children—and reap the destructive consequences of their indiscriminate giving. 

You will also meet a fearlessly loving and wise woman who confronts stubborn ignorance and ugly pride with unflinching discipline, truth, and grace. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

B.B. Warfield and the Quest for Immediacy

B. B. Warfield
Echoing the anti-creational orientation of the classical Gnostics, much of late nineteenth and twentieth-century Presbyterianism  has fed off the assumption that the created order is spiritually ineffectual, and consequently that secondary, mediating causes are at best unnecessary and at worst deeply problematic, especially when such mediating causes are embedded in materiality, as in the sacraments.

This is the standpoint adopted by the great Calvinist theologian B. B. Warfield. In his book, The Plan of Salvation, Warfield asserted that “precisely what evangelical religion means is immediate dependence of the soul on God and on God alone for salvation.” He is critical of any theology that “separates the soul from direct contact with and immediate dependence upon God the Holy Spirit. . . .”  

One sees this antipathy to means again in Warfield’s discussion of sacerdotalism, where Warfield happily separates the work of instrumentalities with the work of God’s Spirit. In their discussion of Warfield, Fred Zaspel and Sinclair Ferguson write that the key question separating sacerdotalism and evangelicalism is the question of divine grace comes to us "immediately or by means of supernaturally endowed instrumentalities - the church and sacraments.” (Fred G. Zaspel and Sinclair B. Ferguson, The Theology of B. B. Warfield: A Systematic Summary, p. 415) 

What is puzzling is that these authors fail to recognize that faith in the evangelical view is also an instrumentality. (See my 'Questions about Sola Fide' where I expand on this important point.) Thus, Zaspel and Ferguson ask, “Does God save men by immediate operations of his grace upon their souls, or does he act upon them only through the medium of instrumentalities established for that purpose?” Their answer to their own question is that evangelicalism “sweeps away every intermediary between the soul and its God, and leaves the soul dependent for its salvation on God alone, operating upon it by his immediate grace.” In practice, this sweeping away of every intermediary would include not only a rejection of sacramentally-mediated grace, but also a rejection of parental and ecclesial nurture as instruments of saving grace. As Zaspel and Ferguson note, “The point at issue is the immediacy of God’s saving activity…The evangelical directs the sinner, in need of salvation, to look to God himself for grace rather than to any means of grace.”

The key word here is “immediacy.” Taking the Zwinglian idea of immediacy to its logical extension, Zaspel and Ferguson follow Warfield in arguing that if salvation is dependent on the ministry of the church then it depends on man. However, we might equally say that if salvation depends on faith then it is dependent on man. If someone replies that this is not the case with faith because faith is a gift, then one could certainly ask: is not the church and her ministry also a gift? Moreover, while Zaspel and Ferguson write that “This ‘evangelicalism’ is, simply, Protestantism”, their position can be contrasted with that of Calvin who, for all his Gnostic leanings, did put a premium on secondary means in a way that Zaspel and Ferguson, following Warfield, oppose.

Further Reading.

'Questions about Sola Fide', by Robin Phillips


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Christianity and Literary Criticism

In an article I wrote earlier in the year for the Colson Center, I suggested that Christians must resist the impulse to “Christianize” texts when doing so means we abandon readings grounded in the interpretative primacy of authorial intent. I argued that the value that literary works have for us as believers does not depend on our ability to wrest from them specific lessons we can apply in our lives. Indeed, to engage with books on a purely aesthetic level is already to be operating under the canopy of the Biblical worldview. We do not have to discover a Christian message in a work of literature before it becomes Christian, any more than we need to do story problems about the dimensions of Noah’s ark before math becomes Christian. Beautiful literature, like math, is already implicitly Christian because of what it is in itself.

Unfortunately, many Christians who desire to apply the Biblical worldview to literary criticism often resemble the evolutionist approaching creation. Just as the evolutionist cannot accept that beauty has any ultimate value for its own sake, and so will try to explain all of nature’s beauty in terms of utility, so Christians sometimes have a hard time accepting that beautiful works of literature have any value apart from their instrumental purposes in helping us to be better people or learn more about God. The liability of this approach is that it holds us back from being able to appreciate art as art. Essentially this approach turns all works of literature into sermons.

To read more of my thoughts on this subject, and what a distinctly Biblical approach to literary criticism looks like, click on the following link:

Friday, November 23, 2012

Fiction and the Christian Faith

In an article published yesterday for my Worldview column at the Colson Center, I talked about the role that fiction (in both books and movies) can play in helping us to grow in Christian sanctification. I suggest that fiction is valuable because of its ability to uniquely simulate the types of lived experiences that lead to wisdom.

Think for a moment about the experiences in your own life that have helped you grow in wisdom, to become a richer, deeper, more complex and well-rounded person. If you are like most people, the experiences that lead to this type of growth are those which force you to wrestle with things over sustained periods of time. Wisdom only comes to those who are prepared to grapple with the pain, confusions, mysteries and ambiguities of being human and living in this type of a world. A day is all it takes to be taught the knowledge of the truth; but to grow in wisdom we must grapple with the truth over long periods of time. Often this is a process that we may not even be aware of, as we brood (often unconsciously) over the things that have happened to us and our friends.

Al Pacino as Michael Corleone
in The Godfather
The type of wisdom we gain from story likewise arises from grappling with the complexities and ambiguities of experience, but in this case experiences we have shared with fictional characters. Good fiction (whether a novel or film) draws you into the paradoxes that underlie the story, so that even when it is finished the story continues to haunt you, forcing you to brood over it. I have in mind some of the stories of Flannery O’Connor right now, which I always read whenever I travel. These stories are filled with haunting moments that work on the reader long after you have put down the book. Another example would be The Godfather films. I watched these films about six years ago but I am still brooding over the paradoxes of Michael Corleone. What was it that changed Michael from being a nice guy who wanted to live the normal American life, to a murderous lonely gangster?

Another way to make the same point would be to say that the value of good fiction (whether in a novel or a film) isn’t that it teaches you a lesson, at least not in the straight-forward and didactic sense that we would expect from a fable. This is where so many of the recent “Christian films” miss the point completely. Many of these films take cheap short-cuts and simply spoon-feed a quick lesson to the viewer instead of doing the far more difficult (but ultimately, more rewarding and long-lasting) work of taking us on a journey that the viewer then has to come to terms with for himself. Now to be sure there is always some kind of a lesson or logos in every story, but in a good story it is diffused throughout it rather like a lump of sugar that has dissolved throughout the entire cup of tea.

To read about why fiction is important from a Christian perspective, visit my article 'Fiction and the Christian Faith.'

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sacral Secularity

"The public is not so much desacralized as it is de-Christianized to bathe the new secular public in a kind of sacral secularity. New rituals of formation take the place of Christian liturgy and serve quite different ends. The secular is not areligious, just differently religious - a religion of immanence and autonomy.... The advent of modernity and the birth of the secular, therefore, do not entail the creation of a secular public space where the state merely manages temporal goods, distinguished from a private sacred space where individuals and communities are free to pursue a supra-temporal telos. The state does not take a merely temporal regulatory role and leave salvation in the hands of the church; rather, the modern state seeks to replace the church by itself becoming a soteriological institution. It is in this sense, then, that the modern state is a parody of the church: 'The body of the state is a simulacrum, a false copy, of the Body of Christ' (RONT, 182). As a result, while political rhetoric may suggest that the state is confined to a 'public' sphere or that the reign of the secular is circumscribed, in fact the modern state demands complete allegiance, and the reign of the secular does not tolerate territories of resistance. The state is happy to absorb all kinds of private pursuits under the umbrella of civil society, but it cannot tolerate a religious community that claims to be the only authentic polis and proclaims a king who is a rival to both Caesar and Leviathan. In such a case, this community's allegiance to its king ultimately trumps its allegiance to the state or empire, and its understanding of the nature of human persons does not fit the normative picture of liberalism. This the state cannot tolerate. It is in this sense that 'every worship service is a challenge to Caesar.' Thus, Cavanaugh defines the state as 'that peculiar institution which has arisen in teh last four centuries in which a centralized and abstract power holds a monopoly over physical coercion within a geographically defined territory.' James K. A. Smith, Introducing Radical Orthodoxy: Mapping a Post-secular Theology, pp. 131-133

Saturday, November 17, 2012

East German Wall Pictures

Thanks to my mother, I now have pictures to go with an event I described in the Preface of Saints and Scoundrels.

In the book's Preface I explain how the book grew out of an experience I had when I was eleven years old and traveled to West Germany with my family. One afternoon my dad drove us to the wall separating West and East Germany. The electric fence dividing the free world from the “evil empire” looked ominous and was more than a little freightening for an eleven year old boy.

As we emerged from the car, we were met by a chill, drizzling rain. On the other side of the fence a lone guard stared gloomily at us. The rest of my family had their picture taken in front of the fence but I was too afraid to venture near. Here is a picture of the family (without my Dad, since he was taking the picture).

A few minutes later I plucked up the courage and asked my dad to photograph me next to the terrible barrier, or as close to it as I dared approach. Here I am:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Very Heart of English Christianity

"During a short spell at a cathedral choir school (not as a choirboy, since I sing like a donkey) I had experienced the intense beauty of the ancient Anglican chants, spiralling up into chilly stone vaults at Evensong. This sunset ceremony is the very heart of English Christianity. The prehistoric, mysterious poetry of the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis, perhaps a melancholy evening hymn, and the cold, ancient laments and curses of the Psalms, as the unique slow dusk of England gathers outside and inside the echoing, haunted, impossibly old building, are extraordinarily potent. If you welcome them, they have an astonishing power to reassure and comfort. If you suspect or mistrust them, they will alarm and repel you like a strong and unwanted magic, something to flee from before it takes hold." Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Sex in Movies: New Installment in Series

A post I wrote in May 2009 about why Christians shouldn't watch sex in movies has recently generated some significant interest. I have written a couple follow-up articles about this issue for the Colson Center in a two-part series on Nudity and the Christian Worldview. To read these articles, and the original blog post which prompted them, click on the following links:
In Part 2, published this morning, I draw attention to some recent studies about the effect that viewing sex on television has on children, and I offer a challenge to those parents who let their children have television access in their own bedrooms.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nudge Theory

In an article for the Telegraph, Philip Johnston explains about Nudge Theory. Nudge theory was developed by the American academic Richard Thaler and has been put into practice by UK prime minister David Cameron’s Behavioural Insight Team at a tune of £500,000 a year.

The basic idea is that government can, and ought, to nudge us to be better people. “Effectively,” Johnston explains, “it is social engineering without anyone noticing, a nanny state where nanny stays hidden behind the curtains. Rather than ordering people around or leaving them to behave in ways that will damage their health or wealth, the state can gently manoeuvre them into behaving sensibly.”

David Brooke’s advocated something similar in his bestseller The Social Animal, which I reviewed here, and which also captured the imagination of Britain’s impressionable Prime Minister. Consistent with Nudge Theory, Brooke’s recommends that the government goes about making us better people with a kind of side-ways approach, prodding us in the right direction or propping up the web of relationships in the private sector. He uses the phraseology “limited but energetic” to describe the government’s role in enhancing social mobility and promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

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Friday, November 09, 2012

Scripture in the Age of Google

Touchstone has now put my article from the July/August issue online. That means that people who do not subscribe to the magazine can now read my observations for free. My article looks at some of the changes that have happened with regard to reading and book-making technology, and what implications those changes might have for our engagement with scripture. To read my article click on the link below:

Wednesday, November 07, 2012


“Hyperlinks” wrote Nicholas Carr in The Shallows, “alter our experience of media. Links are in one sense a variation on the textual allusions, citations, and footnotes that have long been common elements of documents. But their effect on us as we read is not at all the same. Links don’t just point us to related or supplemental works; they propel us toward them. They encourage us to dip in and our of a series of texts rather than devote sustained attention to any one of them. Hyperlinks are designed to grab our attention. Their value as navigational tools is inextricable from the distractions they cause.”

Speaking of Scoundrels...

To comfort everyone after last night's election results, Stacy McDonald (The Common Scents Mom) is putting on a content to win a FREE copy of Saints and Scoundrels. The offer is timely, since a good dose of history is often all it takes to put our own nation's struggles (and scoundrels) into perspective.

Stacy has also recommended some of Young Living's essential oil products that seem especially designed for trying times such as these.

To learn about the oils, and what you can do to win a copy of my recent book, click on the following link:

Post-Election Give-Away!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Realist Vision

In an article I wrote for the Colson Center earlier in the year, I pointed out that vision of the medieval realists was one in which everything in the cosmos portended ultimate significance and in which our images of things were posterior to how things really were in actuality. Thomas Howard summed this vision up in his Chance or the Dance? The medieval vision, he suggests,

“read vast significance into everything. Nature and politics and animals and sex — these were all exhibitions in their own way of the way things are. This mind fancied that everything meant everything, and that it all rushed up finally to heaven. We have an idea of royalty, this mind said, which we observe in our politics and which we attribute to lions and eagles, and we have this idea because there is a great King at the top of things, and he has set things thus so that our fancies will be drawn toward his royal Person, and we will recognize the hard realities of which the stuff of our world has been a poor shadow when we stumble into his royal court…. This mind saw things as images because it saw correspondences running in all directions among things. That is, the world was not a random tumble of things all appearing separately, jostling one another and struggling helter-skelter for a place in the sun. On the contrary, one thing signaled another.”

By contrast, William of Ockham and his fellow nominalists challenged this ecosystem of symbols and denied the existence of universals. For them the world essentially became a random tumble of particulars, all appearing separately. Though we can look back and see in nominalism the roots of modern materialism, the original nominalists saw themselves as magnifying God.

To read more about this, click on the following link:

Saturday, November 03, 2012

On 20th Century Gnosticism

"By the twentieth century, this separation of matter and spirit not only permeated universities like Oxford and Cambridge but had affected the outlook of much of the British church. In the Church of England, it began to be seen as a badge of intellectual sophistication for clergy to water down, and sometimes even reject completely, the supernatural aspects of the Christian faith. The Anglican laity were hardly any better, having imbibed a sentimentalized, moralistic faith that had become unhinged from any spiritual reference point. Even those Englishmen committed to espousing a biblical faith often colluded with the modernist separation of the physical from the spiritual. This false separation resulted in the British church imbibing a Gnostic-like spirituality which failed to see how the world of ordinary things—work, matter, creativity, culture, to say nothing of the universe itself—was spiritually infused and dynamic….The false separation of the physical and the spiritual had led to an unofficial theology which stressed that the fundamental Christian hope is immortality rather than physical resurrection. This notion was reinforced by the Platonic bent of post-Victorian evangelicalism, in which the word “resurrection” began to be used simply as an approximation for the soul’s immortality. It even became fashionable for Anglican bishops to spiritualize away Christ’s own resurrection." Saints and Scoundrels, page 299


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Friday, November 02, 2012

St. John Chryostom on Socialism

Should we look to kings and princes to put right the inequalities between rich and poor? Should we require soldiers to come and seize the rich person’s gold and distribute it among his destitute neighbors? Should we beg the emperor to impose a tax on the rich so great that it reduces them to the level of the poor and then to share the proceeds of that tax among everyone? Equality imposed by force would achieve nothing, and do much harm. Those who combined both cruel hearts and sharp minds would soon find ways of making themselves rich again. Worse still, the rich whose gold was taken away would feel bitter and resentful; while the poor who received the gold from the hands of soldiers would feel no gratitude, because no generosity would have prompted the gift. Far from bringing moral benefit to society, it would actually do moral harm. Material justice cannot be accomplished by compulsion, a change of heart will not follow. The only way to achieve true justice is to change people’s hearts first – and then they will joyfully share their wealth.

+St. John Chryostom  (AD 347–407)


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