If you are concerned to think Christianly and to apply the categories of the Biblical worldview to every area of life, then you may want to keep abreast of my regular columns at the Colson Center. In these columns I regularly endeavor to show the applicability of the Biblical worldview on everything from nudity to food to neuroscience.
Perspectives Column
- Holowing out the Habits of Attention (part 1)
- Hollowing out the Habits of Attention (part 2)
- Hollowing out the Habits of Attention (part 3)
- The Meaning of the Gospel
- Edmund Burke and the Necessity of Good Manners (part 1)
- Edmund Burke and the Necessity of Good Manners (part 2)
- Anti-Discrimination Laws (part 1)
- Anti-Discrimination Laws (part 2)
- Gay Marriage and Creational Realism
- The Meaning of Marriage (Part 1)
- The Meaning of Marriage (Part 2)
- The Meaning of Marriage (Part 3)
- Guns and Killing (Part 1)
- Guns and Killing (Part 2)
- Guns and Killing (Part 3)
- Industrialization and Marriage
- Literary Criticism and Postmodernism
- Salvation as Escape from the Body (Gnosticism and Evangelicalism, part 1)
- Resurrection and the Sanctification of Matter (Gnosticism and Evangelicalism, part 2)
- Raised a Spiritual Body (Gnosticism and Evangelicalism, part 3)
- Building for God's Kingdom (Gnosticism and Evangelicalism, part 4)
- Your Day Job is Your Ministry (Gnosticism and Evangelicalism, part 5)
- Gnosticism in the Work Place (Gnosticism and Evangelicalism, part 6)
- ‘Cheer Our Spirits by Thine Advent’
- Transforming Evil into Good
- The Worldview of Facebook
Ancient Paths Column
- Not Redemption from the World, but Redemption of the World
- Resurrection
- Dwelling on the Lighter Side
- Waiting with Burning Oil
- The Faith of Mary
- Maintaining Conjugal Love (1)
- Maintaining Conjugal Love (2)
- Maintaining Conjugal Love (3)
- The Powerful Tongue
- Longsuffering in the Christian Life
- Christ is the Solution to Grumbling
Changepoint Column
- Kermit Gosnell and the Abortion Cover-up
- Neuroscience and the Reductionist Temptation
- Aquinas, Ockham and the Power of Ideas (Nominalism 1)
- The Ockham Revolution (Nominalism 2)
- Sex and the Ockhamist Revolution (Nominalism 3)
- Food and Teleology (Nominalism 4)
- Is Will-Power Good or Bad?
- Will the Real Enemies of Liberty Please Stand Up!
- Nudity and the Christian Worldview (part 1)
- Nudity and the Christian Worldview (part 2)
- Putting Mary Back Into Christmas
- Literary Criticism and the Biblical Worldview Part 2
- Literary Criticism and the Biblical Worldview Part 1
- Aesthetics and Creation
- Reagan's Spiritual Struggle
- How Gay 'Marriage' Became Plausible
- The Gender Wars
- Neuroscience and the Power of Speech
- Fourth Child Furor
- God Cares What’s in the Pot (Part 1)
- God Cares What’s in the Pot (Part 2)
- Sophistry in America
- Cultural Apologetics
- “Tears in Things
- Generous Love
- Clothing Truth in Beauty
- The Shadow of Ezekiel Bulver
- Gratitude and Joy in the Midst of Suffering
- Whatever the Hell We Want
Worldview Column
- Human Beings: a plague on the earth?
- Fiction and the Christian Faith
- Gnostic Trends in the Local Church
- Don’t Try to Find Jesus on Your Own
- Free Speech and Islam
- Intellectual Disconnect
- Chewing at God’s Blessings
- What the Church Can Learn from the Mall
- The Dumbing-Down of Political Rhetoric
- The Baptized Imagination
- Solzhenitsyn Against Postmodernism
- Sophistry in Ancient Athens